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More Features for Modular Mecha

A few new options for David Pulver's Modular Mecha (Pyramid volume 3 issue 51). 

Access Space (1 DP): The mecha has a relatively roomy interior, allowing crew to carry out repairs without leaving the vehicle.

Grippers (−1 DP): The mecha has crude gripping claws instead of hands. Treat it as having Bad Grip 1 and Ham Fisted 2 (instead of Ham-Fisted 1)

Electromagnetic Armor (1 DP): This system draws on the mecha’s internal energy bank in the same way as a beam weapon. It activates automatically when the mecha is hit and stays active for 1 second, consuming one ‘shot’ of energy. During that time the mecha’s DR is tripled (instead of doubled) against shaped charge and plasma attacks. May not be taken alongside the No Laminate feature.

Enhanced Reactor (1 DP): The rate at which the mecha's energy bank recharges is doubled (i.e. 1/15 of full capacity every second).

Expendable ECM (1 DP): Numerous small launchers capable of deploying chaff, decoys, expendable jammers, and smoke. When activated gives −10 to all electromagnetic senses (including normal vision, hyperspectral vision, thermal imaging, and radar) within a 50 yard radius (centered up to 50 yards from the mecha) for 1 minute. Can be used 4 times (reloads are 200 lbs. $5,000 per use).

Extra Arms (1 DP, can be taken twice): The mecha gains an extra arm. Alternatively, it gains two additional arms, but they have the limitations given for Short Arms (below).

Extra Energy Banks (1 DP, can be taken twice): The mecha gets three times as many shots from its beam weapons and triples endurance when operating on auxiliary power. This increases to five times as many shots and quintuple endurance if this feature is taken twice. Recharge is still only 1/30 of the original figure (i.e. it takes 90 or 150 seconds of inactivity to recharge fully).

Inferior Sensors (−1 DP): All sensors have their range or magnification halved. Reduce any Acc or skill bonus by 1.

Jumping Legs (1 DP, can be taken twice): Extra-powerful leg motors grant Super Jump 1.

Short Arms (−1 DP): The mecha’s arms all gain the Short and Weak (half body ST) limitations. They may not have weapons mounted in them, but may carry them if their ST is sufficient.

Superior Sensors (1 DP): All sensors have their range or magnification doubled. Increase any Acc or skill bonus by 1. 

Unstabilized (−1 DP): The mecha lacks advanced stabilization systems, so it does not have the benefit of weapon stabilization and reduces its SR by 1.

Weak Strikes (−1 DP): The mecha has no Striking Strength bonus.

Wings (2 DP): A set of folding wings grants Flight (with the Gliding and Winged limitations). Add Wi to the mecha’s hit locations. Wings have DR 30. Most useful when combined with jump jets, doubling endurance in atmosphere.